Sovereign of the Seas

built in 1637 in Woolwich / England by Phineas Pett.

Scale: 1:51

Hull length: 76 cm / 39,0 m

Width: 14,2 cm / 16 m   

Drive: 3-masted sailing ship

built: 1985 – 1988 by H. Raschle, according to the plans of A. Rihgi

Workload: ca. 900 hours!

Display case: yes

Construction materials: different types of wood and brass. Ornaments and windows / doors cast in brass (bought in Italy).
Price: 7’900 sFR

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The Sovereign of the Seas ran as the first 100-gun ship in the world and as the largest and heaviest ship in history in October 1637 in Woolwich from the stack.
It was designed by shipbuilder Phineas Pett.
Charles I had to introduce a new tax to finance the new ship to raise the 66,000 sterling.
The ornaments were really gilded so it was called „golden devil“.
It is considered the largest and most expensive ship in the world.
In 1651, the ship was returned to the shipyard to improve its stability.
The grating decks have been removed.
This shifted the center of gravity further downwards, which made the ship much more stable.
In 1658 the ship was brought back to the shipyard to further improve its stability.
The large obstructive tail lantern was replaced by three smaller tail lanterns.
1684 was a new repair of the ship, which was no longer in the best condition by the naval battles in the three Dutch-English naval wars.
In the 1696 renewed conversions, there was then a fire by a candle, in which the ship was destroyed to the waterline.
