Pommerscher Segelkahn „KARL“
built in 1910 at the shipyard Jasenitz, Polish voivodeship.
• Scale: 1:100
• Hull length: 40 cm / 40,0 m
• Width: 4,7 cm / 4,7 m
• Height: 26,5 cm / 26,5 m
• Drive: Sailor with side swords
• built: 2017 by H.Raschle, after the plans of Michael Sohn
• Workload: ca. 50 hours
• Display case no
• Construction materials: different types of wood and cardboard
• Price: 150 sFR
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In the 19th and early 20th century, such barges operated in the area of the Szczecin Lagoon.
They were pure barges.
In contrast to the barges, he has not just one, but three masts, each with a Sprietsegel.
The distribution of the masts on the length of the ship is unusual: the mainmast is already after about a third of the length from the front, another third to aft is the Achtermast and the length between the bow and large mast is halved by the so-called front mast.
For sailing on Haff and Bodden, these barges carried two side swords.
The shipping area could extend over the inland waterways to Hamburg.